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  • FIA 2019 Review

    Writer: Release Date:2019-09-30 Visits:

    Fuchs China Foodstuff Co., Ltd. attended FIA 2019 exhibition

    Sep, 2019,Bangkok

    Fuchs China Foodstuff Co., Ltd. Attended the Food Ingredients Asia Exhibition ("FiAsia" or "FIA") during 11st to 13nd Sep 2019. This event took place in Bangkok, Thailand with three major themes of Natural Ingredients, Food Ingredients and Health Ingredients. Our products stood out from numerous exhibitors with rich categories, wide application and high quality.


    Fuchs Sauce Products were showing on the show.


    Fuchs Compound Seasoning Products were showing on the show.


    Our AD/FD Products were showing on the show.


    Our company staff were giving a detailed introduction of our products to the visitors.


    Our company staff were giving a detailed introduction of our products to the visitors.


    Visitors were showing a great interest on Fuchs products.


    Our compound seasoning was applicated in various snacks.


    At this exhibition, we have received popular recognition from consumers and other enterprises. Among them, the compound seasonings was given the greatest attention. This trade fair has been successfully ended, but we firmly believe that Fuchs Food will be like a shining star on the stage of the Southeast Asian market soon!